URL cloaking free with Soa.pe

If you run a popular social media page such as on instagram on Facebook you have probably considered using affiliate links to get commision from other websites. Affiliate links are a great way to earn extra from the visitors to your Facebook but the downside of posting affiliate links is that some people just refuse to click on such links as they just consider it to be an advertising or spam. Another issue with affiliate links is that can look untidy due to them often being long and full of code such as this Amazon link https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=beats+headphones&sprefix=beat,aps,264&crid=186PJ2DU2V8RZ&linkCode=ll2&tag=computdealsst-21&linkId=a812f30de7a15c3b9690bed44240473d which would not look good on your facebook
So what is the solution to hide your affiliate links on Facebook? its easy you take those long affiliate links and disguise them by creating short links with soa.pe.

To cloak the link you simply enter your affiliate link into the long link box, you then have the option to choose a relevant keyword for the link and you can then enter a title if you which will show up when you share the link on social media.

How to mask affiliate links

Choose shorten and within seconds you will have a new short disguise link like this https://soa.pe/headphones which you can easily share directly from soa.pe onto put onto your Facebook, Linkenin, Google+,Tumbler and twitter accounts using the social sharing buttons or any other social network by copy and pasting the mask link onto the website.. 

The bookmarklet

Add this to your bookmarks or drag it to your bookmarks bar to quickly access shortening functions.


This bookmarklet takes the page URL and title and opens a new tab, where you can fill out a CAPTCHA. If you have selected text before using the bookmarklet, that will be used as the keyword.

Support for bookmarklets on mobile varies. For example, they work on Chrome for Android but you have to add and sync them from your desktop.